Sunday, October 28, 2012

My EClass!

The county that I work in is encouraging teachers and students to utilize more technology in the classroom and through EClass. This is a portal students can use at home or at school that gives them access to all sorts of academics. We are using Nooks in small groups in my 2nd grade literature circles. Love it! I enjoy watching the students' excitement, they love to use technology =) Here are a couple pics. Have a great week teachers...and happy planning!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy,

    I happened to chance upon your blog and found it very interesting!

    We have recently launched a science app that uses augmented reality to enhance classroom teaching. The app has 3D models for kindergarten to grade 12. I thought you might want to check it out and may be review it on your blog, if possible.

    It is a paid app(with a few models free) but in case you are interested in trying it out I will be happy to provide you with a free copy.

    The link to the app is: 



    You can also search for the app on the app store as 'Augmenter'.

    Do let me know if you would be interested. I am really Looking forward to your response.

    happy teaching!

